Breath as a Biomarker Matrix: A Case Study in Liver Disease

Online, 13 Feb 2024

Breath as a Biomarker Matrix: A Case Study in Liver Disease

Date: 13 Feb 2024

Location: Online

Presenters: Dr Elizabeth Crone and Dr Giuseppe Ferrandino

Join us at our upcoming webinar ‘Breath as a Biomarker Matrix: A Case Study in Liver Disease’ on 13th February 2024. Hosted by Owlstone Medical’s Senior Translational Scientist Dr. Giuseppe Ferrandino and Head of Business Development, Research Products & Services, Europe & RoW, Dr. Elizabeth Crone. We will introduce how breath analysis can be used to gain a deeper understanding and earlier diagnosis of liver disease.

Breath analysis has many unique advantages that can be useful in liver research. One key application is in measuring volatile microbial metabolites in different disease contexts including liver disease. Volatile metabolites can then travel through blood circulation to the lungs where they readily volatilize into air, and are subsequently exhaled. Several case studies will be covered, as well as the possibilities for at-home breath collection and analysis for decentralized clinical trial designs, and improved diagnostic tools.

This webinar is for researchers interested in exploring the use of non-invasive breath biomarkers in relation to liver disease, and anyone with an interest in learning more about the potential of breath research for clinical practice.

Catch-up on the presentations from BBCon23