What to expect at Breath Biopsy Conference 2021 – Registration is open

Look out for these highlights coming up at the Breath Biopsy Conference on 12th & 13th October

Published on: 17 May 2021, under Events



Join us online on 12th & 13th October for Breath Biopsy® Conference 2021.

BBCon21 logoWe are excited to launch this year’s Breath Biopsy Conference which, following our successful online event in 2020, we will once again be broadcasting live from our Cambridge office.

Registration will remain free, and we’re expecting delegates from across the world to join us for presentations at the cutting-edge of breath research and networking opportunities within our ever-growing community.

As in previous years, the conference will be held over two days (check out the summary of the 2020 event in our blog), and include a variety of talks and discussions. There will be four main sessions, a dedicated session for early career researchers, a poster session and a panel discussion. We plan to schedule the main sessions on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th October.

The talks and some of the discussions will be available after the conference to be watched on demand, together with talks from previous years.

Main sessions

This years’ major themes are focused around the importance and advantages of early detection of disease, the value and benefits of precision medicine, the use of traceable compounds (like d5-ethanol, C13-labelled compounds and limonene) in breath studies, and sampling and analysis.

Some of the speakers who are already confirmed to be joining us are Patrick Bossuyt from Universitair Medische Centra, Graham Clarke from AstraZeneca, Pauline Poinot from Université de Poitiers and Melodi Anahtar from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We’ll be revealing the details of their presentations shortly.

Attend live to make sure that you don’t miss the opportunity to ask questions and join in the discussion at the end of every talk.

Abstract submissions

This year we’re accepting abstract submissions from anyone working in the field of breath and related disciplines. Abstracts related to the main themes of the 2021 conference will be selected for presentation at BBCon21.

This is an opportunity to share the latest advances with the rest of the field, and to build a library of breath-research resources within the community.

If you would like to be considered to speak at this year’s conference, please submit an abstract by 1st July 2021.

Present at the Breath Biopsy Conference 2021

Other sessions

Early careers session

We introduced an early careers session for the first time last year and received an excellent community response. During this session, early career researchers will give a 10-15min presentation, followed by time for live questions. We welcome abstracts for this session from anyone who is within eight years of the award of their PhD or other professional training. The deadline to submit an abstract for the early careers session is 10th September 2021.

Poster session

After last year’s event we received feedback supporting the integration of the poster exhibition into the program. This year there will again be a dedicated time for selected poster presenters to give a five-minute review of their poster content. Posters will be shared on our Community page, where we encourage all attendees to examine posters them in detail, posting questions and comments for our presenters.

Panel discussion

Panel discussion session from BBCon20The expert panel discussion has consistently been one of our most popular sessions. At #BBCon19 the assembled experts discussed the next five years in breath research and last year they collectively considered <title=”Why it is important for breath research to understand the biological origins of VOCs”>why it is important for breath research to understand the biological origins of VOCs.

If you would like to suggest either a topic for this year’s discussion, or a potential panelist we should invite, please email our events team



Thank you

BBCon21_Featured_600x366Following the success of #BBCon20, we are delighted that over 200 people have already expressed their interest in attending #BBCon21!

We will be sending more details and updates to registrants by email, together with information on how to participate and present at this year’s event.

Registration is now open.

For more information about the Breath Biopsy Conference 2021, please visit our dedicated event page.

You can also find videos and posters from previous conferences on our community pages and resources hub.


BBcon23 On Demand

Catch-up on the presentations from BBCon23

Watch on-demand