Breath Biopsy in eCancer Medical Science Journal

Published on: 2 Aug 2018

A recent article in the eCancer Medical Journal discusses the use of Breath Biopsy® for discovery of breath-based biomarkers for the early detection of cancer and the potential applications for breath biopsy in enabling precision medicine in cancer.

With applications in early detection and precision medicine, Breath Biopsy has the potential to address two fundamental challenges in oncology today: firstly, early diagnosis of cancer patients, and secondly, precision medicine – ensuring patients receive the treatment which is most effective for them.

Breath Biopsy allows the non-invasive collection and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath and could provide valuable information about disease processes occurring in the body. Because metabolic changes occur in cancer cells at the earliest stages of disease, Breath Biopsy could be particularly useful for the earliest detection of cancer.

Large scale clinical trials are underway to evaluate Breath Biopsy for the early detection of multiple different tumor types.

Read more about why Breath Biopsy has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, enabling patients to be monitored over time without incurring significant costs or radiation exposure.

Click below to read the full article in ecancer Medical Journal:


Breath Biopsy®

If you want to learn more about how Owlstone Medical®‘s Breath Sampling and Analysis technology and Services are being utilized in early detection and precision medicine, why not download our free ebook: Breath Biopsy: The Complete Guide?

Breath Biopsy Complete Guide

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