Technology Networks: Detecting the Presence of Cancer in Patients’ Breath

Published on: 22 Jan 2020

Following the announcement of the collaboration between Owlstone Medical and Thermo Fisher Scientific, Technology Networks spoke with Dr Max Allsworth, Chief Science Officer of Owlstone Medical, and Dominic Roberts, Product Marketing Manager for Orbitrap GC-MS at Thermo Fisher Scientific.

The article discusses the motivations behind our partnership, the advantages that Breath Biopsy® can bring to the early detection of cancer, and a range of other diseases, and how Thermo Fisher Scientific’s technology can be utilised for breath research. The authors, Anna MacDonald and Laura Elizabeth Lansdowne, conclude with a question on the applications of Breath Biopsy and the diseases currently being studied.

In the interview, Dominc Roberts, said: “Through the integration of leading Orbitrap gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) instrumentation into Owlstone Medical’s Breath Biopsy platform, the collaboration will qualify Thermo Fisher’s mass analyzers for the detection of new biomarkers via a validated discovery and routine analysis project. Developed in partnership, the new analytical methods will be used to conduct metabolomics studies of breath samples for unique biomarkers that could translate into non-invasive, routine screening solutions for improved early diagnosis of cancer and other disease.”


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