Owlstone Insights Blog

Breath Biopsy
Why use breath?
Exhaled breath is a promising biological matrix for biomarker analysis, but what compounds are in exhaled breath, how can you measure them, and what can these compounds indicate about disease processes happening within the body? Owlstone Medical has written an introductory blog series to cover all of these topics and more. The first in Owlstone Medical's introduction to exhaled breath analysis blog series is "Why use Breath?"
7 Jul 2023
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Breath Biopsy
The Breath Biopsy Guide – 4th Edition – New
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12 Sep 2023
Microbial VOCs involved in the gut-brain axis are in the breath
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21 Aug 2023
Breath Biopsy Conference 2023 – Full Programme
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18 Aug 2023
Science & Research
New resource: Breath and the Microbiome 101
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11 Aug 2023
Company Updates
Owlstone Medical Named “Killer Gazelle” in Cambridge Killer 50
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10 Aug 2023
Breath Biopsy
Demystifying VOCs: What You Need to Know About Volatile Organic Compounds
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18 Jul 2023
Breath Biopsy
Breathing New Life into the Microbiome: Euro Biopharmaceutical Review
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12 Jul 2023
Science & Research
The origins of volatile compounds in exhaled breath
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7 Jul 2023
Science & Research
How are volatile compounds detected and measured in exhaled breath?
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7 Jul 2023
Case studies where breath analysis has been successfully used.
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7 Jul 2023
Breath Biopsy
Why use breath?
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7 Jul 2023
Breath Biopsy
What compounds are contained in exhaled breath?
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7 Jul 2023

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