Owlstone Insights Blog

Breath Biopsy
Why use breath?
Exhaled breath is a promising biological matrix for biomarker analysis, but what compounds are in exhaled breath, how can you measure them, and what can these compounds indicate about disease processes happening within the body? Owlstone Medical has written an introductory blog series to cover all of these topics and more. The first in Owlstone Medical's introduction to exhaled breath analysis blog series is "Why use Breath?"
7 Jul 2023
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Short chain fatty acids in diseases of the gut, brain, and cancer
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13 May 2022
Gut & Digestion
Building consensus on breath tests for digestive diseases
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3 May 2022
Science & Research
5 ways SiHuB streamlines calibrating your breath sensors
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19 Apr 2022
A hybrid Breath Biopsy Conference – abstract submissions are now open
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4 Apr 2022
Cardiovascular & metabolic disease
Breath biomarkers for cardiometabolic diseases
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28 Mar 2022
Breath Biopsy
Using ReCIVA with children – an independent review
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21 Mar 2022
Leaders in the Field: Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee on breath’s place among the omics sciences
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10 Mar 2022
Cardiovascular & metabolic disease
Insights into VOC biomarkers of diabetes
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22 Feb 2022
Breath Biopsy
Progressing from Biomarker Discovery to Breath Biopsy Tests
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11 Jan 2022
Breath Biopsy
Nine Highlights from 2021: Breath Biopsy updates and exciting developments at Owlstone Medical
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20 Dec 2021
Breath Biopsy
Your Questions Answered: Biomarker Analysis
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13 Dec 2021
Leaders in the Field: Salman Siddiqui on the way forward for breathomics
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6 Dec 2021
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