Event: ACG 2023

Vancouver, Canada, 20 - 25 Oct 2023

Event: ACG 2023

Date: 20 - 25 Oct 2023

Location: Vancouver, Canada

We will be attending ACG 2023, the world’s premier gastrointestinal clinical meeting. The conferences offers attendees the opportunity to network with peers, share experiences from their practices, learn the latest clinical information on key GI topics, and see the latest advances in gastrointestinal technology and therapeutics throughout the Exhibit Hall.

We will be presenting the following posters:

Come and find Owlstone Medical at this event at Booth 612 and talk with us about our innovative solutions for monitoring the gut microbiome using breath analysis.

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a meeting, contact us.


Catch-up on the presentations from BBCon23