Innovative Cancer Science: Translating Biology to Medicine – EACR 2022

Seville, Spain, 20 - 23 Jun 2022


Date: 20 - 23 Jun 2022

Location: Seville, Spain

We will be attending the 28th Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research. This four-day congress is dedicated to basic, preclinical and translational cancer research across a wide breadth of topics. It will highlight the latest research and bring together the cancer research community to inspire innovation and build knowledge, connections and collaborations.

If you would like to meet with our team at this event, please get in touch.

Mariana, one of our Translational Scientists at Owlstone, presented the poster “Targeting tumour-associated aldo-keto reductase activity with exogenous volatile organic compound (EVOC) Probes to detect lung cancer” for the first time at this conference.


Catch-up on the presentations from BBCon23