Dr. Eric Miller at BBCon 2024

Confident Identification of Breath Matrix Compounds: An RST to Serve the Breath Community


00:00 Introductions

01:05 Presentation ‘Confident Identification of Breath Matrix Compounds: An RST to serve the breath community’

14:30 Q&A

Talk Abstract:

Exhaled breath contains over 1,000 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can serve as biomarkers for various diseases, such as tuberculosis[1]. Until field-deployable diagnostic instruments are developed, various breath sampling methods are used to capture biomarkers at the patients’ point of care (POC) for subsequent analysis at central labs. Once these biomarkers have been confidently identified among the complex matrix of other breath molecules, targeted analysis can be transferred to miniaturized field devices. Since biomarkers can be identified by comparing ‘healthy’ breath to ‘disease’ breath samples, it is crucial to first define the healthy human breath matrix—its compounds and concentrations. This provides a reference for detecting chemical differences in healthy vs diseases breath. However, confidently identifying chemicals in breath samples is a complex and a challenging process that lacks standardization[2]. This project will address these challenges by utilizing the ReCIVA® Breath Sampler for sample collection and HRMAS GC-MS for analysis to build a detailed database of breath chemical information, establish criteria for reliable VOC identification, and develop web-based software for analyzing mass spectrometry data related to breath samples[3].


The authors would like to acknowledge the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their support of this study.


1. Phillips M., et al. Breath biomarkers of active pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis. 2010;90,145-151.

2. Henderson B., et al. A benchmarking protocol for breath analysis: the peppermint experiment. Journal of Breath Research. 2020; 14, 046008.

3. Ferrandino, G., et al. High-quality identification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) originating from breath. Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology. 2023;11(3),638–648.

Speaker Biography:

Eric is an experienced analytical chemist and bioengineer with a breadth of industry experience that spans medical devices, natural products, and commercial laboratory testing. Having transitioned to the regulatory sector, he now applies these insights and perspectives to advance regulatory science in ways that foster innovation. As an FDA scientist, Eric’s multidisciplinary background and international collaborative efforts are leveraged in dynamic projects with far-reaching implications. Through these collaborations, Eric derives a great deal of satisfaction knowing his research has a significant positive impact on public health equity and technology.


The Breath Biopsy Conference 2025 is scheduled for the 5th November. Click the button to express interest in the next Breath Biopsy Conference: